About Us
The Bridge is a dynamic church located in Johnston, IA. Our beliefs are based on the Bible and centered on Jesus Christ. Our mission is very simple: to lead people to honor and glorify Jesus Christ.
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Church Leadership
Church leadership at the Bridge is made up of the people around us. Administrative Board, Elders and Deacons make up a key portion of our Church Leadership. This teams serves the church community in so many ways. Click here to see our church Leadership
Our History
In 1944, a group of passionate individuals formed our congregation to share the love of God with their neighbors. Since then, the faces have changed but our focus hasn’t. As we celebrate our 80th anniversary, it is important to acknowledge the growth and challenges we’ve experienced over time, yet remember that our vision remains unchanged.
Located on the corner of NW100th St. & NW 62nd St. in Johnston Iowa. Take the 100th Street exit off of 35 and head North.