1/19 Sermon Recap and Reflection Questions


Service 10:00 am

by: Sara Nielsen



Sermon Recap

  • As we looked at the list of all the names of people who brought their unique gifts to help rebuild the wall around the temple in Nehemiah, Pastor Suzanne reminded us that if we are going to build things and create new habits, we need other people.
  • She named that we often don’t invite others in because we are proud, or stubborn, or afraid, but that ultimately research shows that people are most fulfilled and better at reaching their goals when they have other people helping them. 
  • As you work to build the bridge this year (to God, self, or others) that God has called you to, invite others to join you, support you, and encourage you, because we can’t do it alone. 

Reflection Questions

  • What action steps are you feeling nudged to take this year?
  • Who around you is already a support system for you?
  • Who might you be invited to step closer to or to ask for help from in this next year? 
  • Who might you be able to intentionally encourage and support in this season?


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Sermon Recap

  • As we looked at the list of all the names of people who brought their unique gifts to help rebuild the wall around the temple in Nehemiah, Pastor Suzanne reminded us that if we are going to build things and create new habits, we need other people.
  • She named that we often don’t invite others in because we are proud, or stubborn, or afraid, but that ultimately research shows that people are most fulfilled and better at reaching their goals when they have other people helping them. 
  • As you work to build the bridge this year (to God, self, or others) that God has called you to, invite others to join you, support you, and encourage you, because we can’t do it alone. 

Reflection Questions

  • What action steps are you feeling nudged to take this year?
  • Who around you is already a support system for you?
  • Who might you be invited to step closer to or to ask for help from in this next year? 
  • Who might you be able to intentionally encourage and support in this season?


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