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2/16 Sermon Recap & Reflection Questions
by: Sara Nielsen
Sermon Recap
Pastor Suzanne talked about how we are living in a world where it is getting harder and harder to discern what is true/real.She gave us the image of a flashlight to describe how the Holy Spirit works to reveal to us what is true. She reminded us that Jesus is truth. So more than facts to argue with, truth is a person to submit ourselves to. If we want to know truth, we need to look at Jesus.She called us to two action steps:First, start with yourself. Rather more
2/9 Sermon Recap & Discussion Questions
by: Sara Nielsen
Sermon Recap
Pastor Suzanne talked about the Holy Spirit as our comforter (paraklete). In the passage Jesus is preparing his followers for the time when he will no longer be with them. He promises not to leave them as orphans (ones with deep grief), but to send them a comforter. She talked about how, in the Greek, the word for comforter refers to one who responds to a call to help (like the short clip from Mrs. Doubtfire) and comes more
2/2 Sermon Recap & Reflection Questions
by: Sara Nielsen
Sermon Recap
Pastor Sara asked us to consider the question: “What are you longing for?” She talked about the story of the Samaritan woman and how Jesus invited this woman to look at her places of thirst and longing so that the Holy Spirit could meet her with Living Water in the places she most needed it. Pastor Sara told us that the Holy Spirit is meant to be the place that we go when we realize we are thirsty and longing for more
1/26 Sermon Recap & Reflection Questions
by: Sara Nielsen
Listen to the Sermon Scripture Reading
Sermon Recap
Pastor Suzanne kicked off a new sermon series on the Holy Spirit. She reminded us that learning to recognize and cooperate with the Holy Spirit is the key to a life of transformation, guidance, ad power to love and serve God and others.She reminded us that the Holy Spirit is God, a person, and they have their own mind, emotions, and prays for us when we don’t know what to pray. The Holy Spirit is the personal presence more
1/19 Sermon Recap and Reflection Questions
by: Sara Nielsen
Sermon Recap
As we looked at the list of all the names of people who brought their unique gifts to help rebuild the wall around the temple in Nehemiah, Pastor Suzanne reminded us that if we are going to build things and create new habits, we need other people.She named that we often don’t invite others in because we are proud, or stubborn, or afraid, but that ultimately research shows that people are most fulfilled and better at reaching their goals when they have other more
1/12 Sermon Recap and Discussion Questions
by: Sara Nielsen
Take a moment to remember and appreciate Pastor Suzanne’s graphic creation skills.
Sermon Recap
Pastor Suzanne reminded us of Newton’s laws of motion: An object at rest wants to stay at rest, and an object in motion wants to stay in motion. So as we look to build habits that help us build our bridges, getting started is often the hardest part. Suzanne taught about how Nehemiah had to overcome his fear because of the culture, his history, and his personal story to start the more
1/5 Sermon Recap & Reflection Questions
by: Sara Nielsen
1/5 Sermon Recap
Pastor Suzanne shared the unfortunate statistic that only 6% of people actually accomplish their New Year’s goals and resolutions. As we look at our goals of building our bridges to God, Self, and Others we are going to look at the strategies used by Nehemiah to practically build something so that we can realistically achieve our goals. Nehemiah was called by God to return to Jerusalem during the Israelites’ exile to help rebuild the wall around the city. more
12/29 Bridge Devotional
by: Suzanne Vogel
Video from Pastor Suzanne
My Next Bridge Adult Bridge more
12/22 Advent Devotional - Mary
by: Suzanne Vogel
Women in the lineage of Jesus
Mary - invitation into God’s story
Date: December 23, 2024
Dive in and Read: I Samuel 2:1-10; Matthew 1:16; Luke 1:46-53
Opening prayer: Lord Jesus, as we celebrate Your birth this season, we also recognize the humble women who are part of Your heritage. We celebrate all these women who have heard and accepted Your call on their lives even in their lowly and humble circumstances. We have a foreigner (Rahab), a widow (Ruth), the grieving (Bathsheba more
12/15 Advent Devotional - Ruth
by: Suzanne Vogel
Women in the lineage of Jesus
Bathsheba - transforming the impact of other’s sin
Date: December 16, 2024 WARNING: This content may be triggering for people with traumatic sexual experiences. Dive in and Read: 2 Samuel 11; Matthew 1:6
Opening prayer: [Eph 1:18-20 NASB20] 18 [I pray that] the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you will know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, 19 and what is the bound more
12/8 Advent Devotional - Ruth
by: Suzanne Vogel
Women in the lineage of Jesus
Ruth - ancestral mother of our Redeemer
Dive in and Read: Ruth 1 - 4; Matthew 1:5
Opening prayer: [Eph 1:7-8, 17 NIV] 7 In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God's grace 8 that he lavished on us. With all wisdom and understanding, ... 17 I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know h more
12/1 Advent Devotional - Ahab
by: Suzanne Vogel
Women in the lineage of Jesus
Rahab - Faith Hall of Famer in belief & action
Dive in and Read: Joshua 2:1-24; Matthew 1:5; Hebrews 11:31; James 2:25
Opening prayer: New every morning is your love, great God of light,
And all day long You are working for good in the world.
Stir up in us a desire to serve You, to live peacefully with our neighbors and to devote this day to Your Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ the LORD. Amen.
Discover: Matthew lists five women in the lineage of more
11/24 Sermon Recap & Reflection Questions
by: Suzanne Vogel
11/24 Sermon Discussion Questions
Sermon Recap:
In the conclusion to our Bridge Inspection series, Pastor Suzanne invited us to imagine what would happen if in a real bridge, major cracks were found but not repaired.Wisdom is found in hearing Jesus’ words and acting on them. When we hear Jesus’ words and don’t act on them, Jesus calls that foolish and it can end in destruction.She explored reasons why people might avoid repairing their bridges, including the cost in time more
11/17 Sermon Recap & Reflection Questions
by: Suzanne Vogel
11/17 Sermon Discussion Questions
Sermon Recap:
Pastor Suzanne invited us to ask if we understand our unique calling to actively participate in building God’s kingdom.Using Exodus 35 and the instructions for building the tabernacle, she noted that God doesn’t force us to serve, but invites us to willingly offer our skills and resources.To build God’s kingdom, a huge variety of skills and resources and people are needed.Vocation is defined by Fredrick Beuchner as “The more
11/11 Sermon Recap & Discussion Questions
by: Suzanne Vogel
11/11 Sermon Discussion Questions
Sermon Recap:
Pastor Tony compared a life lived for self with a bridge to nowhere.In contrast, he taught about the importance of investing one’s life in acts of compassion and service to others as Jesus did - caring for their whole person.Pastor Tony invited us to consider the feeding of the 4,000. “God, who in Jesus Christ revealed his compassion for human beings, turns to his followers—turns to us in the face of human need—and asks, “How more